Sunday, May 8, 2011

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her." - Maya Angelou

Thursday, April 28, 2011

howdy partner

it's been consistenly nice weather for the past couple of days. therefore i am sunburned, and attempting to drink all the coconut water ( my favorite beverage) on the planet in an attempt to hydrate and heal my skin. but i think it's all worth it :

i'm sure everyone can relate to the fact that being outside in the sunshine is the best feeling ever. even if it means overdosing on vitamin D. i mean.. our milk is fortified now so i need to be careful.

also, i keep making yummy food. but i have nobody to share it with because i'm usually at home alone. mabye that's why i resort to posting it on the internet.

i've eaten this too many times to count this past month. that is how stellar the flavors are. yes i'm going to brag, but only because the ingredients are so solid in this. buckwheat soba noodles ( cold), cinnamon roasted carrots? you really can't go wrong. make a little sesame soy dressing and you are good to go. i add greens because i think it looks prettier, and tastes pretty yummy too.

unfortunately i had already eaten half of this before i remembered to take a picture to send to a friend. another easy, not super exciting dish, but SO YUMMY. flat bread in olive oil and chunks of garlic and balsamic and basil ( really, can't go wrong with those), and spinach and tomatoes cooked down.. and of course fage on the side. this lunch gave me so much food energy from all those nutrients too. AWESOME. make it.

i made these the other night with ariana. we also made chocolate strawberries and bananas, but those aren't very interesting. they are really yummy though. these are a variation of macaroon sandwiches. raspberry chocolate filling is the most important thing you need to know about this sugar bomb. it really is sugary. i could only eat one. which is unusual for me.

also. i finally tried the famous cake from extraordinary desserts. it has rave reviews from food network. and guess what folks? it sucks! i only had one bite. i ate alot of their tzatziki. then i had a horrible stomach ache. i want to blame it on the cake but i'm pretty sure it was the tzatziki.

i went to disneyland this past easter weekend. it remains just as fun and nostalgic as ever, and still has that wet subway smell on every ride. mabye not a subway. there's no urine smell. but i think you all know what i'm talking about anyway.

oh and more importantly... i've been searching for the perfect granola ( or a cheap dehydrator to make my own). i think i've found it. thank you laura bradford.

keep hydrated, healthy, and smiling!

love loveessss

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

rumbly in my tumbly

as i'm sitting here in my kitchen, after a long day at gymboree... my tumbly is a rumbling. so i get up and look into the fridge and find alot of things i don't want, and two things i definitely want: a taco from del taco, and some leftover pizza. and i say no, because i know what my body says once i eat that food. it says " ouch, lets kick this guy out the rear entrance and make him pay for it in the meantime".

i've noticed more and more how SENSITIVE my body is to foods. mainly : sugar, dairy, red meat, salt. how do you like that list? yeah, i don't. it means those pancakes i ate this morning were the reason for my upset tummy and lack of energy. and that taco the other night with onions and ground beef is why i was up in the middle of the night in a hot sweat.

i get these qualities from my dad ( thanks pop), and i've been so angry at them the past couple of years. until recently when i decided to see them as an opportunity. i don't want to sweat at night, i don't want to feel my stomach writhing in pain from digesting that french bread or chocolate cake, and i don't want to fart all day at work from eating a sausage breakfast burrito. so i'm making some serious changes.

all in all, it's a process. we all know i love food. and i love the taste of all kinds of food. but i'm finally feeling like i'd rather not have the taste and have my body feel good. that doesn't mean i won't ever eat those foods again, but i'm trying to make them less of a staple in my diet. of course, living with my family is difficult, and it was really difficult to say no to that taco and pizza. but i know i'll sleep well, and wake up with more energy and less acne if i don't eat those things. so instead i'll take some psyllium husk, and watch a movie, and say goodnight. that way i can start my day with a fresh mind, spirit, and body. sounds good!

one of my safe foods is the open face has many variations. i started depending on these in utah when i was too lazy to cook a real meal, but i decided they are the best lunch/dinner/snack/breakfast.. ever! just grab some ezekiel bread ( because it's the best).. and go to town!
this one had yellow bell pepper, spinach, olive oil, havarti, avocado, and tomato. basically i make mine as colorful as possible, and i'm gonna brag. THEY ARE SO GOOD. just try and get as many ingredients on as you can, stick it in the oven on broiler for 10 minutes and you will be so satisfied i'm tellin ya.

OH, and an upside to living with my family? i can cook all the stuff for them i can't eat.. and watch them savor the goodness!
caroline and my mom's birthday are 3 days apart, and i'm always the cookeroo. carolines favorite food is cinnamon rolls. so a homemade cinnamon roll cake it was! btw: everyone should make their own cinnamon rolls. they taste SO much better than store bought, and are much cheaper, and more fun to make. you can prepare everything the night before and just stick em in the next morning.

then my mom's birthday. she loves chocolate, and curry. two things my dad disdains. but guess what? my dad is out of town so i got to make it for her. she said she hadn't had curry in 20 years because of my dad! so needless to say she was very happy.
this is also super easy to make. and really healthy. the only bad thing in is the peanut oil, but you really don't need alot for it if you want to make it healthier. it took me only 20 minutes to make and tasted SOOOO the best dishes are the ones with tons of fresh ingredients and lots of flavor from spices and herbs. and curry is chocked full of that, so... make this.

and here's her chocolate cake. fun story: i messed up on the box cake before this because i got over anxious. i know everyone who has ever made a cake can relate to this. i had that moment of impatience where i couldn't wait to frost it and put my strawberry filling all up in it, so it crumbled to pieces. i ended up having to make a homemade one, but it turned out better anyways and i ate it for breakfast the next day! ( which was definitely a bad idea) .... i should make food posts more often. at least to look over the pictures again and again and salivate.

happy birthday mom and caroline!!!!

love elizabeth

Saturday, February 19, 2011

everybody ALL FOR ONE!

i am so ready for summer listening to the high school musical station on pandora.
speaking of high school musical- i'm attracted to zac efron sometimes and i don't know why. usually only when he's got a character he's playing, which makes me think i only like his character and not him.

even right here though, i'm MORE attracted to leo di caprio.. and look at how gross he looks. mabye i'm thinking too hard but the fact that sometimes i like zac efron and sometimes i don't bothers me.

on another note. i used to like all animals. i wouldn't understand my friends when they would come over and have allergies or get annoyed by all the hair and barking and meowing and tweeting, but i've had a change of heart. to all of my friends that didn't love me enough to put up with the zoo that is my house- I UNDERSTAND. i can honestly say:

i hate cats (kittens are cute for an hour or so)
birds are ok ( but they smell and sqwuak and sometimes sit on your shoulder and tickle your neck)
reptiles aren't cuddly( i don't even need to say anything about this- gross)
i'll never want insects or crayfish ( why are these considered pets?)
rodents are disgusting( i had a heart attack when i thought that my cat was a rat)

the only exception for me is a dog even they get on my nerves. i've been thinking about it because i love dogs, but get annoyed by mine every once in a while. but that's rare, so i've decided that a dog is the only animal i can have. i really do get giddy and want photoshoots whenever i see them. i saw the cutest dachsunds on my run today.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

but a hundred years to a steadfast heart, are but a day

although it's been close to a hundred years ( ok, mabye only a year) since i've written here, it feels like it's only been a day. also, if you didn't catch it, this means i have a steadfast heart. of course, if i believe this then i am banking on the words of malificent, which doesn't bode well for me.

as i was sitting in my warm down comfortor talking with emily this morning i couldn't help but miss the cold snowy death that is "WINTER IN UTAH" !!! Although i don't miss my corolla ice skating down state street, there's something dependable about the fridgid cold. for example:

1. excessive whining ( which i thoroughly enjoy)
2. hot chocolate ( any place, any time is acceptable)
3. an excuse for your friend to share her electric blanket
4. time spent with others in front of a space heater ( if you're wealthy, a fireplace)
5. laughing at people when they fall ( often times, yourself)
6. an excuse for cuddling ( surprisingly, my personal favorite)
7. more time spent with loved ones ( because everyone needs time to relate about wintery death)
8. the ability to stay inside all day and not be deemed "inactive and lazy"
9. building off of number 8.. more time for movies and board games!
10. cuter outfits ( also an excuse to shop for more layers , "I'm so cold i need a new scarf")
11. gives opportunities for cute men to give you their coat ( only happened once to me but once was enough for me)
12. comfort food time.. hoorah!
13. a reason to be thankful for spring.

so, i couldn't make it to twenty because the last seven involve winter sports and activity which, let's face it, i don't enjoy. therefore, they were left out. however, i think this is a pretty good list, and a pretty effective tool for staying positive in the winter time. i specifically enjoy number 7. there is something about winter that makes people want to spend time with others, whether it's just for the sake of whining about the weather, or just to eat food and chat. i think in winter we appreciate the simple things about other seasons, like quality time spent with friends outside in the sun.

all of these things have somehow persuaded my heart to miss the snowy cold, that had been so repulsive to me before. i suppose the lesson is: be thankful for what is there when you have it. also, to hold out for the springy part of your life.. because according to the groundhog it isn't too far away.

america stay positive!


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hiiii everyone! I can't believe it has been over a year since I wrote on this! As many of you may know my nanny job is taxing. 2-9 pm.. 5 days a week- 4 kids. 2 of which are always sickly. Therefore, they gave me strep throat! hooray! THANKS BOYS! Luckily, Kay and I went to the ER together last night where they offered me " fresh out of the dryer" feeling blankets, silly jokes, and any beverage of my choice. I was pretty jovial through the whole experience until i realized how much it would cost- then i had to apply for financial assitance. :) As you can see though- i'm pretty stoked to be there with that bracelet.

Today i bought some funny books. One is called "The Act of Marriage" and the other is Dr. Lauras famous " Proper care and Feeding of Husbands". They are for Emily who is very soon to be married! Alot of friends got married within the past year though.. yowza! Lets hear it for Dayna, Michelle, MJ, and soon to be Emily Morris!

As you also may now, i've had a huge celeb crush on this man since my sophmore year

And can you blame me... really? The reason i bring him up is because i am currently single and desperately seeking this man in my life. If any of you come across anyone of likeness.. please contact me.

I guess that is all for now. Update on me.. single ( as mentioned), sickly, nanny, no longer gymboree employee, moving back to san diego is april. HALLABALLOO!!

Oh and my favorite quote of the day is from the King of Siam- "I make mistake. British not scientific enough for the use of chopsticks"
love elizabeth

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

hum diddly vin deisel

alot of people think vin diesel is hot, butttt he's kind of like a monster. his voice and his size and everything. but one of those nice monsters that eventually you fall in love with at the top of the empire state building.

so i'm about to get ready for bedtime and i decided to write in my blog because dayna and craig mentioned i haven't written in quite a while. and apparently i listen to what the say.

except i don't have anything to write about, and i think only my family reads this. but i WILL say that i was going to put some pictures here but i don't know how to and my eyes are far too sleepy to figure it out. i have two days off and i hope i will enjoy myself. i want to throw a mini festival of colors. or mabye just a food fight. something fun and messy and childlike mostly.

i love anyone who is reading this. even the random stalker who browses blogs in their free time.

love elizabeth